Diamond Approach® Body practice.
Weekend August 6th – 7th and 8th 2021
Start: Friday morning 9:30AM. End: Sunday afternoon 5PM.
The way to our True Nature goes through our body by sensing ourselves in the now.
We are not a body who has a soul, or a soul that has a body. We are a soul/body who has the capacity to sense itself and know what it is sensing.
Diamond Approach, founded by A.H.Almaas and Karen Johnson, is a contemporary spiritual path, that uses movement practice, sensing practice, meditation and Inquiry to discover our True Nature.
This weekend is meant as a support and inspiration to our daily practice both for students in the school, and for those who just want to experience the different practices we use in Diamond Approach to develop our presence and awareness from moment to moment.
In the course we will review the most common Daimond Approach meditations and practices and make one by one the five Body Practices, followed by Inquiry in groups of two and three and finish with comments and questions throughout the group. The teaching takes place in English, and Inquiry you do in Danish with your fellow students.
This time I have the pleasure of teaching with Norbert Pischulti and Gertraud Blüntig, who are both trained teachers in Diamond Approach and dedicated teachers in Diamond Approach Body Practice.
Roskildevej 46. www.roskildevej46.dk
Norbert Pischulty, Gertraud Blüntig and Mette Ulsø.
Number of participants
Max. 15
Course Fee
DKK 1,500 for all 3 days, which is paid at: 4420-4420444079
If you invite a friend, the price will be DKK 750 for each of you.
Mail: mu@dadlnet.dk
Cell Phone: 24421195.
Send an email to be registered. You are registered for payment no later than 1 July 2021.Upon registration, the entire course amount of DKK 1500 is paid. and registration is binding.
Possibility for reduction in price:
If you are under the age of 30 and a student or unemployed or otherwise have a lower income, you can ask for a reduction in the price of both individual sessions and courses.
Individuel sessions:
All course participants are offered 5 individual sessions of one hour duration at a reduced price of DKK 500. (Normal price DKK 700). If you are interested, I will ask you to fill in some questions about your life course before the first session. Sessions take place Skodsborgparken 52 1.th. 2942 Skodsborg located approx. 150m from Skodsborg station.
For more information about Diamond Approach go to the website:
The way of inquiry is the way of true freedom. If inquiry is alive and unfolding, we are free – our mind is free, our hearts are free; our souls are free to unfold, and our Being is free to spontaneously manifest what is natural for it to manifest
Diamond Approach, Ridhwan Diamond Approach and Ridhwan are registered tradesmarks of the Ridhwan Foundation. The Ridhwan “Hu” symbol is a trademark of the Ridhwan Foundation.
The Five Movements logo and name are trademarks owned by Linda Krier.