Mette Ulsø – Ridhwanlærer
As a Ridhwan teacher I am a part of the Ridhwanschool’s international team, which are teaching in the spiritual way called Diamond Approach, founded by A.H. Almaas.
In Denmark I give individual inquiry sessions and teach in Diamond Approach workshop and doing book groups.
I have been student of the school since 1996 and have been ordained teacher of the Diamond Approach since 2017.
In my professional life I have been a General Practitioner in Copenhagen until 2013.
What motivates me to do the teaching is the love for the work. I feel I’ve been given so much, and now I wish to pass on all what I have received.
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Gertraud Bluntig – Ridhwanlærer –
Medunderviser i The Art of Inquiry.
Gertraud Eder-Büntig has been working as a group leader in the field of Humanistic Psychology since 1983. She is an ordained teacher of the Diamond Approach since 2015.

Norbert Pischulti - Ridhwanlærer
As an ordained Teacher of the Diamond Approach (since 2015) I love to introduce interested persons into this precious teaching. I do that with great enthusiasm, joy and dedication.
My special interest has always been to include the body into the exploration of who and what we are.
I´m also teaching Qi gong and Tai Chi since more than 3 decades and worked this way with more than thousand students. Body Practice and Spiritual Inquiry are intimately support to each other. And support our being and functioning in the world including our relationships